jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Do you want to know about me?

Hi everybody!
I am Laura Marés Planas, a catalan girl who live in Vidreres, Girona. I am 16 years old and I study in IES Vidreres. I don't like much describing myself, I think that your friends and family are who really know how are you like, the things you like and dislike...they know everything about you! Well, is obviously that you also know about yourself, but the way they know you is different than yours, so I usually prefer how my friends describe me.

However, this is my blog so I have to tell you a little bit about me!
I have plenty of hobbies. I love doing sport, and I practice tennis twice a week in the Club Tennis Vidreres as well I go jogging on Saturday mornings. Although I am 16 years old I haven't got a motorbike, I don't like very much them, so I always ride my bike to move to everywhere: to school, to the library, to buy something at the village, and so on.
I sometimes go to "popular walks" which are every Sunday morning in one village every time. They start very very early, at 8 o'clock, so there are times that I prefer be in my bed sleeping because the night before I returned to home late. I remember one trip I did last summer which I will never forget! I got up at half past five because a bus was waiting for all the trippers and it left at 6 o'clock. At 8 o'clock we were in Vallter, in the Pirineus, everybody ready to start the trip. Can you imagine how long it takes? We walked during 6 hours! I had never walked all this time! We travelled from Vallter to Nuria between mountains and mountains, going up and going down. But I really enjoyed it! The views were fantastic and I go with some friends, so it helped me to continue the trip. When I arrived at home I couldn't move any part of the body, I had never felt so tired!
I think doing sport keeps me fit and it helps me to switch off from everything and turn me into a good mood. It's a good way to spend my free time.

I also do other things to spend my free time. I like listening to music and dancing and my favourite musical bands are Coldplay, Creedence, Queen and The beatles. The title of this blog you are reading is the title of one Queen's song.
I think both music and sport make you chill out and have a good time, so they are my favourite activities. I usually hang out with my friends on Friday and Saturday nights and we often go to the cinema or to concerts and discos. My group of friends have two bands, they are called ATK and Suma Incontinència so I always go to their concerts to support them. I think they are really great!

My favourite film is called Love Actually and my favourite book is Las cosas que no nos dijimos, of Mark Levy. I like reading books of adventures and romantic ones, and magazines about environment. I really like this theme, the world problems, like the climate change and the poverty or the injustices around this world. I am part of the environmental comitee of my school and I would like to study written journalism, but I will explain it in other chapter of this blog!

I think all this activities are typical of any teenager, but everybody organizes his free time on his way.

Now you know more about me!

It will continue...soon...very soon....

1 comentario:

  1. Oh... Laura, Laura...
    You could win me in a tennis match... but I hope that you know that you won't win me at the next match! muahaha
    I like your enlish blog, is very pretty ^^
