domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

around the world...

Have you ever been abroad? Where have you been? I have plenty of hobbies and travelling is one of it. I’ve been abroad several times but not in many, many places. I’ve been in Chile (Santiago de Chile), France (Paris, Carcassone, and so on), Italy (Florence, Rome, Siena, Pisa, Venice), Andorra, Dublin and Denmark.

Have you ever thought about taking a gap year? What would you like to do? If anybody had asked me this question some years before, I would have answered not. However, as time goes by I think about taking a gap year. First, I would save a little money working anywhere during some months. Then I would take a car and I would drive far from here, but without any direction, just drive. I just would bring some maps, money, a notebook, a tent, a rucksack, some clothes, plenty of books, some food and water in order not to waste much money during the trip. I would like to spend time on the mountains, swimming in the rivers, walking across the forests and valleys and looking at sunsets and sunrises. I would sleep in my car, but I also think that I would have to sleep in hostals or youth hostels sometimes. I would like to visit as much places as I could around Europe. I would work wherever I could to be able to continue my adventure because of the petrol (to pay it!). Maybe it sounds thoughtless and wild, but I don’t think so at all. I know people who spend all the summer travelling in this way. I would return home when my wallet want.

Could you live in another country for the rest of your life? I think I could, but it has to be a similar country as Spain because of the weather. I couldn’t live in Northern countries, for example. I would like to live in a country like Australia or Italy. Moreover, it’s an excellent way to open to new cultures and be more open-mind. However, I would miss a lot my family and friends and I would be travelling a lot just to see them every two or three months, so I don’t think I could live much far from home.

Do you prefer to travel alone or in group? Why? I prefer both options. I’ve never travelled alone yet, but I would like to. In this way you depends more on yourself and it’s an opportunity to rediscover yourself and see how much capacity you have. You look at the world with another eyes, I think. Moreover, you can travel on your own, without orders and other’s complains. On the other hand, I’ve travelled some times in group with friends and it’s an incredible adventure because you can share everything you see and feel with them. I think it’s more entertaining. In addition, they can help you if you ever need some help and it’s also a way to know much your friends (sometimes it’s an inconvenient!)

How much luggage do you usually carry? Imagine that you were going to (invent the name of a city). What would you carry? I’m not used to carry a lot of things. I prefer travelling with a rucksack than a suitcase because I feel more comfortable. If I went to Nepal and Tibet, for example, I would carry some clothes, some food and water, a little of money, books, a notebook and my camera, of course.

If you were going on a camping trip for a week, what 10 things would you bring? I would bring my camera, my MP3, a notebook, some money, plenty of biscuits and chips, a swimsuit, a tent, a sleepingbag, a pillow and antimosquitos.

What are the countries you would never visit? Why? There are very few places I would never visit. For example, Dubai, Arabic countries and Miami, because ther are countries which have been exploted to produce and sell products in a massive scale. What would I do if I went to Dubai or Miami? Just rest in the luxurious hotels and swim in the big beaches. What a pity. And I wouldn’t visit Arabic countries for its culture and I think it isn’t a safe place.

Would you like to take a cruise? Where to? With who? I wouldn’t like to take a cruise because you don’t visit anything! You just stay in the cruise watching the sea! I would get bored. I want to walk, visit interesting places, not just on or two or three, as you do in a cruise. Moreover, you only have a couple of hours to visit these places because you have to return to the ship. I think there’s no need to take a cruise. Do you know how much danger is it for the environment? Much more than a plane or a train do.

What do you prefer, a package tour or a tour you organize and book yourself? I prefer a tour I organize and book myselg because you are more free to do whatever you want. And it’s the meaning of travelling, for me: going on your own disovering new cultures, places and people by yourself.

My friends and I in a dublinese pub, three weeks ago in our trip to Dublin. One of my ever best trips!!!!

sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

a little song for u

I used to waste so many time
Worrying about stupid things
Waiting the phone ringing
Wondering if you really love me.

Now I have no concerns
And all my biggest wish is see
The sun coming through my window
Every single morning.

Because hey, baby, the world turns round so fast
If you don’t wake up now
you’ll miss a lot of wonderful things
So try to smile at yourself
Try to feel the fresh wind on your face everytime

Let’s draw a colourful picture
Let’s run away from trouble
And just for a moment
I feel like everyone dares to be happy
I feel like it’s time to be free at last

I’m ready to sing as loud as I can
I want to go anywhere with anybody
Just to feel the sun shining above my head
And reach the sky with my finger

Because hey, baby, the world turns round so fast
If you don’t wake up now
you’ll miss a lot of wonderful things
So try to smile at yourself
Try to feel the fresh wind on your face everytime

Because hey, baby, the world turns round so fast
If you don’t wake up now
you’ll miss a lot of wonderful things
So try to smile at yourself
Try to feel the fresh wind on your face everytime

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

"Luka" Suzanne Vega

When you listened to this song without understanding what it says, it seems very beautiful! But if you realise what the song talks about, it changes...You can also think that it talks about a girl who is unhappy because of his boyfriend or something about love, but not! There's a child speaking to his neighbour. He reveals his point of view of his domestic violence. Although he's maltreated by his parents he has a dignity, but he feels alone in a dark world. He try not to worry his neighbour and he thinks it's his fault! ("think it's because I'm clumsy/I try not to talk too loud/ Maybe it's because I'm crazy/I try not to act too proud).

He's an indefenced child who is scared and alone in this cruel world and perhaps he'll have a better future. If he only had someone who listened to him...I think he'll continue be maltreated but when he grows, he'll be free at last (well, with all these dark memories in his mind, which will remind forever).

The video is fantastic and it makes you to understand better what the song says.
Enjoy it, and think about it...

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

Eight Red Cross workers in rebel’s hands

Last Friday 9th of April, a Red Cross team was kidnapped by rebels in South Kivu (eastern Democratic Republic of Congo). The team was made up of seven Congolese and one Swiss national. They were returning from a trip to help displaced people when rebels caught them. Fortunately, an ICRD spokeswoman has been able to talk to the staff members by telephone and they are all fine. As a result of this, UN has started to negotiate with the rebels, so it has the big world’s peacekeeping mission in the country, but it won’t be easy because of the inestability and the violence of the region.

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

The experience with the danish

One month ago I couldn't imagine what is the experience of sharing your daily life with a boy or girl from another country. Now, I could.
I have always heard about student's exchange from different countries but I have never lived one.

20 danish students travelled to Spain for four days and each student stayed in a Spanish student house.
When my English teacher, Berta, told this to us, I thought I had to take that fantastic chance! I had always thought about an experience like this! So I offered volunteer to received a danish student at my house.

He was called Kasper and he was one year younger than me. Firstly I showed my house to him and after that we went to computer. I showed him Catalan and Spanish music bands and he dd the same with some danish bands. One of these danish songs is now my favourite one. Yes, I can't stop listening to it. I love it. Do you want to listen to it?

They are called The Rumor said fire and their song is called The Balcony.
It is awesome...isn't it? And when I listen to it, it reminds me those fantastic four days with the danish...

The first day we were both pretty shy and I was very nervous because I had to speak to him in English! Although my mother helped me, we sometimes didn't understand what he told to us! However,we communicated by signs when we didn't understand his almost perfect English. One night, while we were having lunch, he told us that in Denmark, students start to learn English at the age of 10, like here. But what about the differencies between our English? It's obvius he knew much more than me! Well, in Denmark they watch a lot of TV films and programms in English. That's all! Their level is extremely higher.

Do u know what danish organize their routines? They get up at about 6:30 to start school at 8 or sometimes at 9 o'clock. They have lunch between 1 and 2 o'clock and they have no school in the afternoon. Instead of go to school they do their homework, they meet with their friends or they do their extra activities (sport, music). Kasper told me he play the clarinet and he go swimming on Saturdays. After that, they have dinner between 6 and 7 o'clock! They go to bed at about 9 and 10 o'clock! This time we have dinner in Spain!

I was surprised they go to school by bicycle instead by car or motorbike. Almost everybody goes by bike! They are really concerned for the environment and its protection. What envy! They also recycle.

And what about the weather???
Well...a winter and sunny day in Spain is like a summer day in Denmark. Kasper said it to me one day it was sunny. And in winters, ther are between minous 2 and 15 degrees!!! Kasper goes to skiing very often, especially to Norway and Switzerland because in Denmark there aren't high mountains.
Kasper confessed me he was a lego geek and he loves playing computer games. One day we play together in Los Sims, a computer game and we had very fun!

I'm sure I forget things but now I can't remember.

Despite of all our different customs, we had at least one thing in common: during those 4 days we had a really great time and it was an experience that neither of us will never forget. It was worth it.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009


I have heard a lot of people complaining about modern immigration. It's true that these last years the number of immigrants has increased, but do we really know why all these people come from their poor countries here? I don't think too many people stop to think about this.

I think people come to our country for economic and politic reasons. The first ones are related with poverty of the 3rd world so they try to find more quality of life. The second ones are related with their politic system which doesn't allow their freedom.

Immigrants are very different because they come from very different parts of the world: from China, South America or Africa. However, they move from their local villages to find a higher quality of their lifes and their daughter and son's future.

When they arrive here they probablyfeel shocked at the new situation: they have to find somewhere to live, a job which helps them to survive, and so on. I think integration is pretty difficult because they have to learn our language, our customs, accept the low salaries, and so on.

With this, what is our reaction? Actually, plenty of people not agree with the foreigners. We feel like they invade our culture and we tend to look down on them, we are quite afraid because we think they will take our jobs and even in these crisis times.
Luckily, there's a positive side with immigration. Some people turn solidary creating NGOs to help immigrants and also promote projects called linguistic volunteering that helps immigrant to learn Catalan and Spanish. Last year I was in one of this linguistic projects that my school organized. It was called Voluntariat per la llengua and my work was to meet with my partner (who was a foreign classmate and he wasn't able to speak Catalan) once a week during the breaktime and do some oral activities. I really liked the experience because my partner learnt some things of our culture and he improved their Catalan at the same time I learnt plenty of things of Ucrain culture!

Like everything, immigration has a negative and a positive side. We don't have to listen to other's opinion, we should observe our surrounding and draw conclusions, because everybody has the chance of improve their lifes. We are all human and we live in the same world. We should be more tolerant and forget the prejudices. They are simple words but a lot of times we forget them!